Forrest Wynne

Last Revised: Jul 17th, 2023
Professional Biography
Wynne, F.S., J. Murdock and R. Murdock 2015. Irrigating Late Summer Corn with Channel Catfish Pond Water in Western Kentucky: A Demonstration Project. World Aquaculture 46(3)67-68.
Wynne, F.S. 2014. Pond Renovation: A Brief Overview. World Aquaculture 45(3)61-62.
Wynne, F.S. 2012. Harvesting Polycultured Food Size Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and Mature Paddlefish Polyodon spathula from Ponds: A Demonstration Project. World Aquaculture 43(3)24-26.
Wynne, F.S. and W.A. Wurts 2011. Revision. Transportation of Warmwater Fish: Equipment and Guidelines. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication 390.
Wynne, F.S. and M. P. Masser 2010. Removing Fish from Ponds with Rotenone. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication 4101.
Wynne, F.S. 2009. Ponds in Drought. World Aquaculture 40(1)61. Also in: Kentucky Aquatic Farming Newsletter, Kentucky State University Division of Aquaculture 21(2) 6-7.
Wynne, F.S. and W.A. Wurts 2009. Live Hauling Channel Catfish. Kentucky State University, Division of Aquaculture, Cooperative Extension Program, 27 pages.
Wynne, F. S. 2008. Managing Kentucky Fee Fishing Operations. World Aquaculture 39(4)56-57, and in the Proceedings, 11th Triennial National Wildlife & Fisheries Extension Specialists Conference, October 14-18th, 2006, Big Sky, Montana, pages 102-104.
Wynne, F.S. 2007. Use of Aeration and Water Destratification Devices in Recreational Ponds. World Aquaculture 38(3)35-38.
Wynne, F.S. 2007. Live hauling Food Size Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus. World Aquaculture 38(1)41-44.
Wynne, F.S. 2004. Maintaining Self Sustaining Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus and Largemouth Bass Microterus salmoides Populations as a Method of Low Input Aquaculture. World Aquaculture 36(1)8-9.
Dasgupta, S., Wynne, F., Caporelli, A. and L. Meyer 2004. Processing and Marketing Aquaculture Products on a Small Scale. Kentucky State University program of Distinction Publication, 95 pages.
Wynne, F. S. 2004. Overview of the Rainbow Trout Industry in Kentucky. World Aquaculture 35(2)63-65. Also in: Kentucky Aquatic Farming, Kentucky State University's Aquaculture Program Newsletter 17(2)7.
Wynne, F. S. 2003. Importance of the Fee Fishing Industry to Small Scale Aquaculture Development in Kentucky. World Aquaculture 34(2)62 and 66 , also in: Small Scale Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Special Session of Aquaculture of America 2002, A Publication of the Association of 1890 Research Directors, pages 3-4.
Tidwell, J.H., S. Coyle, R.M. Durborow, S. Dasgupta, W. A. Wurts, F. Wynne, L. A. Bright and A. Van Arnum 2002. Growout of Freshwater Prawns in Kentucky Ponds. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program, 44 pages.
Mims, S. D., W. L. Shelton, R. D. Onders and F. S. Wynne 1999. Production of Paddlefish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, Publication No. 437, 7 pages.
Wynne, F. S. 1995. Prospects for the Culture of Yellow Perch, Walleye and Sauger in Kentucky. World Aquaculture, 26(1)37-40.
Wynne, F. S. 1995. Budgets for Small Scale Catfish Production with a Fee Fishing Operation. World Aquaculture 26(3)69-79.
Wurts, W. A. and F. S. Wynne 1995. Sustainable Channel Catfish Farming: Low Management Production through Modified Stocking and Feeding Practices. World Aquaculture 26(3)54- 59.
Wynne, F. S. 1995. Book Review: Recent Developments in Catfish Aquaculture. D. Tave and G. S. Tucker, editors. Food Products Press, Binghamton, NY. 389 pages. The Progressive Fish Culturist 57(3)252.
Wynne, F. S. 1995. Outlook for the Culture of Muskellunge, Northern Pike and Chain Pickerel in Kentucky, USA. World Aquaculture, 26(2)41-44.
Wynne, F. S. 1994. Management and Stocking of New Farm Ponds. World Aquaculture, 24(3)84-85.
Wynne, F. S. 1994. Use of Aquatic Dyes in Ponds. World Aquaculture, 24(2)110.
Wynne, F. S. 1993. Liming of Ponds. World Aquaculture, 24(1)15.
Wynne, F. S. 1993. Utilizing Triploid Grass Carp for Vegetation Control in Ponds. World Aquaculture, 23(4)36-37.
Wynne, F. S. 1992. Hybrid Striped Bass in Kentucky. World Aquaculture, 23(2)10-11.
Wynne, F. S. 1987. Temporal Spawning Order in Length-Segregated Largemouth Bass. M.S. Thesis, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi.
Wynne F.S. 2017. The Terms Education, Advocacy and Promotion in Aquaculture Extension Programs: What do They Mean and Where and When to Draw the Line? World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America Conference, San Antonio, Texas February 19-22nd and in The Proceedings of the 6th National Aquaculture Extension Conference, June 5-9th, Riverside Hotel and Conference Center, Boise, Idaho.
Wynne F.S. 2017. Aquaculture Extension and Outreach. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America Conference, San Antonio, Texas February 19-22nd.
Wynne F.S. 2016. Aquatic Plant and Algae Control in Kentucky Ponds. Presented during the Mid-South Aquatic Plant Management Society Annual Conference in Baton Rogue, LA September 13-15th.
Wynne F.S., J. Murdock and R. Murdock 2016. Irrigating Late Summer Corn with Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Pond Water in Western Kentucky: A Demonstration Project. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America Conference, February 22nd-26th, Las Vegas, NV.
Wynne F. S., J Murdock and R.Murdock 2015. Irrigating Late Summer Corn with Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus pond water in western Kentucky: A Demonstration Project. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America Conference, February 19-25th New Orleans, LA.
Wynne F.S. 2014. Size Selective Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Harvest to Stock Kentucky Fee Fishing Facilities. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America Conference, February 9-12th, Seattle, WA.
Wynne, F.S. 2013. Ponds in Drought: Impacts on Fish Populations? 2013 Triennial National Wildlife & Fisheries Extension Specialists Conference, April 8-11th, Haines City, Fl.
Wynne, F.S. 2013. Managing Self-Sustaining Largemouth Bass and Bluegill Populations. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture of the Americas Conference 2013, Nashville, TN.
Wynne, F.S. 2013. Challenges in Growing and Marketing Food-size Catfish in States where Production is Limited. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture of the Americas Conference 2013, Nashville, TN.
Wynne, F.S. 2013. Harvesting Polycultured Food Size Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and Mature Paddlefish Polyodon spathula from Ponds: A Demonstaration Project. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture of the Americas Conference 2013, Nashville, TN.
Wynne F.S. 2012. Harvesting Polycultured Food Sized Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and Mature Paddlefish Polydon spathula from Ponds: A Demonstration Project. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture of the Americas Conference February 29th - March 4th, Las Vegas, NV.
Wynne, F.S. 2011. Update: Aquatic Plant and Algae Control Training for Commercial and Private Pesticide Applicators in Kentucky. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America 2011, New Orleans, Lousianna, February 27th - March 3rd.
Wynne, F. S. 2010. Live Hauling Food Size Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America Conference, San Diego, California, March 1-5th.
Wynne, F. S. 2010. Small Scale Catfish Production to Supply the Live Haul/Fee Fishing Market in Kentucky. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America Conference, San Diego, California, March 1-5th.
Wynne, F.S. 2009. Update: Aquatic Plant and Algae Control Training for Commercial and Private Pesticide Applicators in Kentucky. World Aquaculture Society Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, Washington, February 15 -18th.
Wynne, F. S. 2008. Live Hauling Food Size Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America 2008. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, February 9-12th.
Wynne, F.S. 2007. Use of Aeration and Water Destratification Devices in Recreational Ponds. World Aquaculture Society 2007 Triennial Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 26th - March 2nd.
Wynne, F. S. 2007. Maintaining Self Sustaining Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Populations as a Method of Low Input Aquaculture. World Aquaculture Society 2007 Triennial Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 26th - March 2nd.
Wynne, F.S. 2006. Fee fishing: A Source of Potential income for Managers of Private Impoundments. 11th Triennial Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists Conference, Big Sky, Montana, October 14 -18th.
Wynne, F.S. 2006. Fee Fishing as a Method of Small Scale Aquaculture Marketing. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America Conference 2006, Las vegas, Nevada, February 13-16th.
Wynne, F. S. 2005. Live Hauling Food Size Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America 2005. new orleans, Lousianna, January 17 -20th.
Wynne, F.S. 2004. Fee Fishing as a Method of Small Scale Aquaculture Marketing. Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center Confernce and exposition, Manchester, New Hampshire, December 2-4th.
Wynne, F. S. 2004. Maintaining Self Sustaining Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Populations as a Method of Low Input Aquaculture. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America Conference 2004, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1-5th.
Wynne, F. S. 2003. Overview of the Rainbow Trout Industry in Kentucky. Invited abstract presented during the United States Trout Producers Association Session, World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America, National Conference and Exposition, Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, KY, February 18-21st.
Wynne, F. S. 2002. Importance of the Fee Fishing Market to Small Scale Aquaculture Development. Invited abstract presented during the Small Scale Aquaculture session. World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture America, National Conference and Exposition, Town and Country Resort, San Diego, California, January 27-30th, 2002.
Wynne, F. S. 1999. Comparison of Recreational Fishing Pond Stocking Practices as Recommended by Five Southern States. Ninth National Extension Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, September 29th - October 2nd 1999, Radisson Hotel, Portland Maine.
Wynne, F. S. 1999. Integrating Live Haul and Bait Distribution with Kentucky fee Fishing Operations. Ninth National Extension Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, September 29th - October 2nd 1999, Radisson Hotel, Portland Maine.
Wynne, F. S. 1998. Status of the Channel Catfish Fee Fishing Industry in Kentucky. Presented as an abstract, in the Book of Abstracts(page 590)and as a poster at the triennial meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, Las Vegas, NV, February 15-19, 1998.
Wynne, F. S. 1997. Budgets for Small Scale Catfish Production to Supply a Fee Fishing Operation. Presented as an abstract in the Program Summary (page 78) and as poster at the National Aquaculture Extension Conference, Annapolis, MD, April 8- 12, 1997.
Wynne, F. S. 1996. The Use of Agricultural Limestone and Gypsum in Ponds. Presented at the 8th National Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists Workshop, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. June 26-29, 1996. Published in the proceedings, special Report 982, pages 86-87.
Wurts, W. A., F. S. Wynne, R. D. Howerton 1994. (Abstract) Advanced Feeding Practices and Low Stocking Density for Sustainable Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Production. Book of Abstracts, #536 page 248, Aquaculture 95, San Diego, CA.
Wurts, W. A. and F. S. Wynne, 1994. (Abstract) Winter Growth of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Fingerlings Stocked at Low Density in Early Autumn. World Aquaculture Society Book of Abstracts, page 190, World Aquaculture 94, New Orleans, LA.
Wynne, F. S. and S. Grider, 1993. (Abstract) Comparison Between Winter Rainbow Trout, Onchorynchus mykiss Reared in Cages and in Levee Ponds in Southern Kentucky. Presented at Hilton Head Island, S. C. January 27-30, 1993.
Wynne F.S. 2017. Management Calendar for Recreational Ponds in Kentucky. Kentucky Aquatic Farming, Spring Edition.
Wynne F.S. 2016. Size Selective Channel Catfish Harvest to Stock Kentucky Fee Fishing Ponds. Kentucky Aquatic Farming 28(1)3.
Wynne F.S. 2016. Irrigating Late Summer Corn with Channel Catfish Pond Water in Western Kentucky: A Demonstration Project. Kentucky Aquatic Farming 28(1)7-8.
Wynne, F.S. 2012. Ponds in Drought. Kentucky Aquatic Farming and KSU Aquaculture Program Newsletter. 25(1)12-13.
Wynne, F.S. 2011. Pond "Turnover." Conservation Update Newsletter: Hancock County Soil and Water Conservation District, Carthage, Illinois 21(1)5.
Wynne, F.S. 2006. Use of Aeration and Water Destratification Devices in Recreational Ponds. Farm Pond Harvest 40(2)14-17.
Wynne F.S. 2005. Catfish Pond Inventories: How Many Fish are in the Pond and What Size are They? Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative newsletter, January - March.
Wynne, F.S. 2004 Snails in Purchase Area Fish Production Ponds. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, August - September.
Wynne, F.S. 2004 Use of Liquid Oxygen for the Transportation of Live Catfish. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, June and July.
Wynne, F.S. 2004 Using Antimycin-A (Fintrol) for controlling Unwanted Fish Species in Catfish Production Ponds. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, June and July.
Wynne, F.S. 2004 Catfish Used in U.S. Commercial Production. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, May.
Wynne, F.S. 2004. Fish Polyculture. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, April.
Wynne, F.S. 2004. Physical Effects of Heavy Rainfall in Ponds. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, March.
Wynne, F.S. 2004. USDA Trade Adjustment Assistance Program for Catfish Producers in Brief. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, February.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. Pond Turnover. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, October.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. Nitrite Season. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, August and September.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. Feeding Catfish: Now. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, July.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. Floating, Sinking and Medical Fish Feeds. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, June.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. USDA Farm Services Agency Disaster Assistance Programs. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, April - May.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. Aeration Efficiency. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, March.
Wynne, F.S. 2003. Renovating Ponds. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, February.
Wynne, F.S. 2002. Nitrite Season Will be Here Soon. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, September.
Wynne, F.S. 2002. Importance of Water Quality Testing. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, August.
Wynne, F.S. 2002. Hydrogen Sulfide. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, July.
Wynne, F.S. 2002. Checking Dissolved Oxygen in Ponds. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, May.
Wynne, F.S. 2002. Water Turbidity. Purchase Area Aquaculture Cooperative Newsletter, April.
Wynne, F. S. 2001. Hybrid Striped Bass Production in Kentucky (revised) Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 14(2)4-5 and 4(1)1991. Kentucky Hybrid Striped Bass. Farm Pond Harvest 25(3)20,25.
Wynne, F. S. 2000. Winter Culture of Caged Rainbow Trout in the South. Aquaculture Magazine, 26(2)30-34. Also in: The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted 11/26/97. Winter Opportunity: Trout cage culture offers small-scale possibilities in the South. Water Farming Journal, 1992 7(7)8-9: Winter Culture of Caged Rainbow Trout in the South. Farm Pond Harvest, 1992 26(3)17-19, also in: Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1991 5(1)1-4.
Wynne, F. S. 1999. Species Profile: Rainbow Trout, in Commonwealth of Kentucky Aquaculture Plan, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, page 22. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 12(1)7.
Wynne, F. S. 1999. Raceway and Flow-Through Fish Production Systems, in Commonwealth of Kentucky Aquaculture Plan, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, pages 13-14.
Wynne, F. S. 1999. Kentucky: Aquaculture Legislation Passed. The Aquaculture News 7(5)14. Summary: Legislation passed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky General Assembly 1998 Regular Session, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 11(3&4)2. Kentucky: Aquaculture Legislation passed. The Aquaculture News 1998 6(9)14-15.
Wynne, F. S. 1998. Using Grass Carp for Aquatic Vegetation Control in Ponds. Landscape and Irrigation,(4)20. Utilizing Triploid Grass Carp for Aquatic Vegetation Control in Ponds. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted 12/18/97. The Aquaculture News, 1994 2(7)17. Farm Pond Harvest, 1993 27(2)24-25. Farm Pond Harvest, 1992 26(4)18- 19. Utilizing Triploid Grass Carp for Aquatic Vegetation Control in Ponds, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1992 5(2)2-4.
Wynne, F. S. 1998. Causes of "Water Turnover" and Low Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in Kentucky Ponds. Farm Pond Harvest 1996 32(1)20-21. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 1997 10(3&4)4-5. Low Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in Kentucky Ponds. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted 11/13/97. Somerset-Pulaski News Journal 9/11/97, B-7. Commonwealth Journal 9/21/97, B-6. Tidwell, J. H., F. S. Wynne, S. Coyle and J. Evans 1998. Freshwater Shrimp Field Trial-1997. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 10(3&4)4-5.
Wynne, F. S. 1998. Factors which affect Water Quality in Livestock Ponds. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted: part 1, 1/15/98, part 2 1/22/98. Managing Livestock Ponds. Farm Pond Harvest 30(1)22-28. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 1995 8(3-4).
Wynne, F. S. 1998. Construction and Repair of Watershed Fish Ponds in Kentucky. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted part (1) 12/31/97 and part (2) 1/8/98. Farm Pond Harvest, 1993 27(3)13,15,31. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter,1993 6(1)2-6.
Wynne, F. S. 1997. Outlook for Muskellunge, Northern Pike and Chain Pickerel in Kentucky. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted 12/11/97. The Aquaculture News, 1995 3(4)21 and 23: Outlook for Muskellunge, Northern Pike, and Chain Pickerel Culture in Kentucky. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1994 7(1)4-8. Farm Pond Harvest, 1994 28(1)20-23.
Wynne, F. S. 1997. Outlook for Yellow Perch, Walleye and Sauger Culture in Kentucky. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted 12/4/97. Distribution, Life History, Culture of Sauger, Yellow Perch viewed. The Aquaculture News 1995 4(2)17,19. Outlook for the Culture, Distribution of Walleye in Kentucky viewed. The Aquaculture News 4(1)8-9. Outlook for Yellow Perch, Walleye and Sauger Culture in Kentucky, 1993, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1993 6(4)3-7. Farm Pond Harvest, 1993 27(4)5,23,27-29.
Wynne, F. S. 1997. Winter Culture of Caged Rainbow Trout in the South. The Aquaculture News Internet Article posted 11/26/97. Winter Opportunity: Trout cage culture offers small-scale possibilities in the South. Water Farming Journal, 1992 7(7)8-9: Winter Culture of Caged Rainbow Trout in the South. Farm Pond Harvest, 1992 26(3)17-19: Winter Culture of Caged Rainbow Trout in the South,
Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1991 5(1)1-4.
Wynne, F. S. 1997. Management Calendar for Kentucky Fish Ponds. The Aquaculture News, Internet Article posted 11/20/97. Pond Management Calendar. Farm Pond Harvest 1996 30(1)22-28, and 1995 29(4)22,23,27. Calendar Compiled for the Proper Management of Kentucky Fish Ponds. The Aquaculture News 3(3)17. Management Calendar for Kentucky Fish Ponds Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 1994,7(4)2-4.
Wynne, F. S. 1997. Budgets for Small Scale Catfish Production to Supply a Fee Fishing Operation. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 9(3)1-12.
Wynne, F. S. 1996. Grow-out Culture of Freshwater Prawns in Kentucky. The Aquaculture News 4(14)6-9. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 1996 9(2)4-10.
Wynne, F. S., R. D. Howerton, and C. D. Webster 1995. Growth Comparison of Caged Hybrid Striped Bass Fed a 36% and a 42% Protein Diet, Farm Pond Harvest 29(3)32: Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 8(1-2)7: and Caged Hybrid Striped Bass Experiment. The Aquaculture News, 3(5)6.
Wynne, F. S. 1995. Techniques Explained for Removal of Undesirable Fish from Ponds. The Aquaculture News 3(6)17: Removal of Undesirable Fishes from Warmwater Ponds. Farm Pond Harvest, 29(2)22-23: Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1994 7(2)6-7.
Wynne, F. S., S. Coyle, and J. H. Tidwell 1995. Freshwater Prawn Demonstration Results and Outlook for Future Projects in Kentucky. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 8 (1-2)3-4: Farm Pond Harvest, 29(2)30-31: Freshwater Prawn Demonstration Results, Outlook for Kentucky told. The Aquaculture News, 3(5)10.
Wynne, F. S. 1994. Importance of Liming Fish Ponds. Aquaculture News, 2(9)14: Liming Ponds, 1992 Farm Pond Harvest, 26(2)25: Liming Ponds, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 1990 2(4)1-3.
Wynne, F. S. 1994. Managing, and Stocking New Farm Ponds. The Aquaculture News, 2(8)9: Management and Stocking of New Farm Ponds, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 1990 3(1)3-4: Farm Pond Harvest, 1990 24(4)20,25.
Wynne, F. S. 1994. Management of Fee Fishing Operations in Kentucky. The Aquaculture News, 2(6)6: Managing Fee Fishing Operations, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 4(2)6-8: Farm Pond Harvest, 1991 25(4)24-25.
Wurts, W. A. and F. S. Wynne, 1994. Winter Growth of Channel Catfish. Aquaculture Magazine, 20(1)26.
Wynne, F. S. 1993. Use of Aquatic Dyes in Ponds, Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 6(2)4-5.
Wynne, F. S. and K. L. Friend, 1993. A Survey of Kentucky Pond Owners to Evaluate Interest in Aquaculture. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter, 6(3)4-6.
Wynne, F. S. 1992. Managing Sport Fish Populations in Existing Farm Ponds. Farm Pond Harvest, 26(1)32:(Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 3(2)6-8.
Wynne, F. S. 1992. 1992 Cost Estimates for Kentucky Produced Rainbow Trout in one 4' x 4' Cylindrical Floating Cage, 1991 Cost Estimates for Kentucky Produced Rainbow Trout in one 4' x 4' Cylindrical Floating Cage. Farm Pond Harvest, 1991 26(3)19.
Wynne, F. S. 1992. 1992 Cost Estimates for Kentucky Produced Channel Catfish in one 4' x 4' Cylindrical Floating Cage.
Wynne, F. S. editor, 1992. Commercial Fish Farming in Kentucky. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual West Virginia Direct Marketing Conference, February, 21-22nd, 1992, Morgantown, WV.
Wynne, F. S. 1991. Outlook for Hybrid Striped Bass in Kentucky: Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program Newsletter 4(1) Kentucky Hybrid Striped Bass. Farm Pond Harvest 25(3)20,25.
Wurts, W. A. and F. S. Wynne, editors. 1991. Kentucky Aquaculture Conference, East-West (manual). 106 pages.
Wynne, F. S. 1991. Determining the Quality of Sport Fish Populations in Farm Ponds. Kentucky Living, Southern Kentucky Rural Cooperative Corporation, 45(8)4.
Losordo, T. and F. S. Wynne. 1990. Aquaculture in North Carolina: Producing Catfish. North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, AG440-1.